Kelmarin (2 hb 2010).
Sedang asyik bekerja di pejabat, tiba-tiba dapat panggilan daripada Iliyana: "Mama, ada tiket 2 untuk Cuci ( Cuci The Musical 2)"... tahulah saya, yang Iliyana ingin menghadiahkan tiket free untuk menonton teater berkenaan yang sedang berlangsung di Istana Budaya. Teringin jugalah menonton, maklumlah orang kata cerita tu best. Kebetulan Iliyana sedang kerja sambilan di Istana Budaya bahagian set pentas, dan setiap krew dihadiahkan dua tiket percuma untuk diberi kepada ahli keluarga atau kawan terdekat.
"Siapa pula nak teman ya?" Bisik hati saya. Si Dia ada kelas pada malam itu. Lagi pun dia tak minat tengok teater. Puaslah saya ajak kawan-kawan. Si Zurin sakit perut, Ray pula tolak sebab beritahu last minute dan Ira tak minat teater. Tak ada siapa dah nak diajak.. Dipendekkan cerita sebab semua tak nak pergi, saya pun ambil keputusan pergi sendirian. Lagi pun, kalau balik tak ada siapa kat rumah sebab Si Dia mesti balik lambat kalau dah ada kelas. Kalau beli tiket mahal, berpuluh ringgit, untunglah juga dpt tiket percuma... kalau kena bayar, memang saya tak akan pergi, kecuali kalau takat RM10..
Kali ini saya nak tonton life, Awie, Hans Isac, Afdlin Shauki dan Nabil (watak utama) serta Vanida Imran. Si Vanida Imran ni pernah satu kelas dengan saya belajar jahit manik dengan Radzwan Radziwill. Ketika itu, saya tengok muka dia biasa saja, kulit pun gelap sikit... tetapi tidak lama selepas tu, saya terjumpa lagi dia dan mata saya tak berkelip tengok, "cantiknya dia". Dengan bibir sejemput dan hidung comel, kulit pun cerah. Mungkin hari itu dia dimekap cantik kerana ada sesi fotongrafi, bisik hati saya. Tapi selepas itu saya tengok wajah cantiknya kekal, pandang tak puas. Sewaktu dia masuk program realiti Sehati Berdansa, perawakannya pun sudah cantik seperti sekrang. (Lari topik pulak sikit)..
Berbalik pada teater tadi. Dengan lone ranger saya sampai juga ke Istana Budaya (IB), terus ke surau solat. "Ramainya orang. Ini mungkin, semua nak gi tonton Cuci. Tak pun staff," fikir saya. Kemudian terus ke kaunter tiket. Tanya petugas di situ, atas nama Iliyana, alamak tak ada pula ... saya gelabah. Tengok di situ ada tanda `tiket sudah habis;' Seorang demi seorang datang beli tiket untuk hari-hari berikutnya.
`Dia tak ada tinggal apa-apa di sini, saya tak dapat tolong, telefonlah dia untuk confirm,' ujar petugas di situ. Macam mana ni? Si Dia tak sempat bayar telefon, saya tak dapat call out. Saya pun berlalu, sambil melihat sekeliling, ramainya orang... wah kiranya hebatlah sambutan teater ni. Tak sabar nak tengok. Tapi macam mana nak hubung Iliyana. Ke hulu ke hilir saya berjalan, cari mangsa nak pinjam telefon.
"Telefon awam ada, tapi semua rosak!" ujar seorang petugas dalam loghat Indon. Lagaknya seperti jaga.
Saya tengok telefon. ada mesej. "Call adik." Hemm ini mesti, sama ada tak ada tiket atau tiket pada dia, bisik hati saya. Kemudian ternampak pula seorang wanita muda berbaju seragam, kelihatannya seperti staff, IB. Manis aje dia.
"Dik, kat mana tempat budak-budak krew? Saya nak jumpa anak, nak tanya pasal tiket."
"Oh tempat mereka tak boleh masuk!" jawabnya. Mujurlah dia sudi minjam telefon bimbitnya, dapatlah hubungi Iliyana. Rupa-rupanya memang dia pegang tiket tu. Akhrinya dapatlah saya masuk.
Apabila persembahan bermula puas saya telek wajah heroin, yang bernama CT Jasmin (C J) di atas pentas, rupa-rupanya dialah Vanida Imran. Berlakon sambil menyanyi dan menari. Dia memang tidak kekok melakonkan watak sedemikian. Persembahan dari 8.30 pm hingga 12.30, am itu memanglah menghiburkan. Pendek kata tak kering gusilah mereka ketawa, termasuk saya. Saya ni, selalu susah juga nak ketawa kalau tak benar-benar lucu. Keempat-empat watak tadi memang lucu habis, begitu juga Harits Iskandar watak antagonis dlm cerita itu.
Ulasan lanjut persembahan, baca saja article di bawah:
Its side-splitting dialogue and amusing actions outshine the musical aspect of the production, providing audiences with plenty to laugh about from start to finish.
Now running at Istana Budaya un til Aug 10, the tremendously funny cast led by funnymen Afdlin Shauki and Nabil, gives audience countless laughs, making it feel more like a co medic performance than a musical.
The musical revolves around four ad opted brothers Fairil, Khai, C' Tan and Jojo who work together in their small family business Cuci-Cuci Services (M) Sdn Bhd. They move from their kampung to the city where they become window cleaners with dreams of one day making the windows of Petronas Twin Towers sparkle.
When they get a chance to join the Window Washing Olympics, the four some is ecstatic to get closer to the dream. Headed by Citi Jasmin or CJ and her assistant Jessie, the band of brothers go all out to battle with their competition Wira Maju, whose owner is CJ's boyfriend Wira.
Comedy reigned throughout the three-and-a-half hour performance. Some of the musical numbers were catchy, especially those sung by rock er Awie.
Malaysian idol Jaclyn Victor on the other hand, didn't get to show her singing prowess much with her small-time role Jessie. For those who did not catch the musical last year, you may be surprised by Afdlin Shauki's pleas ing voice.
Afdlin's alter-ego Fairil was also one of the more entertaining charac ters in the musical. The experi enced comedian gave the audi ence a fair share of laughs as the leader of the pack. His humour ous persona was infectious and delightful and often stole the limelight away from other actors.
Another pleasant sur prise was Awie, who portrayed the sensi tive romantic Jojo so well, one could forget that he's been a rocker for many years now. Well-known for his skill in making delicious pisang goreng, his unique talents got him the attention of the young Jessie, who is bent on getting married to a guy who makes the traditional snack.
Newcomer to the gang, Nabil, who plays the mischievous C'Tan climbs up a notch from his Raja Lawak days. Getting into his role completely, the comedian had the audience in stitch es at his comical antics.
Funnyman Harith Iskandar contin ues to do what he does best with the musical comedy. The unscrupulous big boss of Wira Maju is the winner of Window Washing Olympics numer ous times - and shows his wicked ness with zest and credibility.
His partner and long-time friend Hans Isaac - director and creator of the show - played the part of Khai, the blunt brother who ends up falling in love with Citi Jasmin or CJ (Vanida Imran). As leads from both camps, the actors play their roles sufficiently, with their best scene comprising of them having a heart-to-heart talk high up on a gondola.
Writer, journalist and now actor Re hman Rashid plays the part of a dig nified Tan Sri with quiet confidence while rapper Reefa gave his many small roles, including restaurant man ager, Pos Malaysia delivery boy and sports commentator a whole lot of character. Although the music from Douglas Lim and Pacai doesn't stand out, the choreography, led by Pat Ibrahim, is engaging. The backdrops are realistic and colourful. The first act was packed with powerful punch lines and multi-layered jokes while the second act went on for a bit too long.
Cuci The Musical 2 is value for mon ey as long as you are not expecting a traditional musical extravaganza.
Call 03-41498600 or visit www.ticket2u.biz for ticketing details.
ReplyDeleteNabil pun ada.Hmm Cuci Musical 2..buat duit tu.promosinya pun hebat.
Sweetie cuma tengok cuci2 yang version 1 kat Panggung. Kelakar jugak citernya.
Nabil yang paling banyak cakap dalam teater muzikal kedua ni... ganti AC. Nabil memang kelakar...